
New Houses at St Weonards, Herefordshire

Client: Duchy of Cornwall

Planning Consent: March 2018

Twenty-four houses on a five acre site on the southern edge of the village of St Weonards. The scheme was developed through community design workshops organised by the Prince's Foundation for Building Community. 

Planning consent granted in March 2018. The case officer stated that, “too often, in my opinion, modern housing developments lack a genuine ‘sense of place’. In this case, however, considerable effort has been to create this. I conclude that the layout, scale and appearance are appropriate and that the character and appearance of the landscape will not be harmed to any extent that cannot be mitigated. In fact, with the appropriate detail being provided by way of condition, I see no reason as to why the proposal would not be make a positive contribution to the environment and provide an enhanced southern edge to the village.”